For my second destination at "Museums at Night" I chose Museum of Religion. The first part of my route you can see here .
It is not popular museum both between tourists and citizens of Saint-Petersburg. You ask why? I think because mostly it oriented on kids and on those people who want to refresh his or her knowledge about religion and to learn something new. But I personally enjoy it!
Specially for "Museums at Night" there was made special quest - interactive adventure game. It's intruiguing, isn't it?
So every person was given a special brochure with tasks. Some of them were really tricky and complex! And there were given leads and clues to help visitors to answer. It was relly funny and informative at the same time! Everybody enjoyed it very much! I hope there will be such events after that "Museums at Night"-2013.
Here are some things, which I found out interesting.
This "helmet" with horns belongs to shaman. Of cause it is logical, that his headwear have deer horns - because it was a shaman of tribes, where deers were the main "resourse" for surviving. But it still looks interesting! Also in this hall I also saw doll charms. For me it was intriguing that they have eyes, because in Russian culture kind-a same looking talisman dolls doesn't have eyes at all! I'll definately will write about of that doll tradition soon, so stay tuned!)
Also I saw the so-called "Verigi" - chains of ascetic people. Such people wore them to "humility of flesh". I think it really looks intimidating.
Do you remember I wrote, that this museum is perfect for children? Because every hall is stylized for every theme and religion. For example, "Christianity in Middle Ages" room have windows as if it was a cathedral or a castle.
There are a lot of replicas - just to show different religions in different aspects.
Also there is a fragment of maiolica of Saint-Petersburg mosque. It was unexpected, but nice to see, how heritage of out city is kept.
Also there were going contemporary exibition of Old Believers' print. But because it stands alone of other halls, there wasn't much visitors and amateurs of that theme.
Also I would like to tell about comfort in the museums. I think it's a good sight that not-much-popular museum have convenience equipment for physically challenged people. For me it's a good signal that our city take care of all of us.