This Sunday night the "Scarlet Sails" were take place. This is one of the greatests holidays for children who graduated school. It was named by book "Scarlet Sails" written by Alexander Grin. And these sails symbolize the future possibilities of young people. The holiday was organized in 1987. And still "Scarlet Sales" is one of the biggest and, to tell you the truth, coolest prom-events of the whole Russia! And many people from all over the world come here to see both White Nights and "Scarlet Sails"! Citizens of Saint-Petersburg are extremely proud to have such a long and impressive tradition! The main events take place on the Palace square and Angliyskaya embankment (English embankment). There are concert of pop-stars, fireworks and water-show which is made with Scarlet Sails! Just look at it!
There are many interesting facts about "Scarlet Sails"! For example, the music on it is only Russian and Soviet. Personally for me it was cool to find out that this holiday is recommended for visiting in 20 countries of European Union! Isn't it the reason for visiting our outstanding city?)
There are many interesting facts about "Scarlet Sails"! For example, the music on it is only Russian and Soviet. Personally for me it was cool to find out that this holiday is recommended for visiting in 20 countries of European Union! Isn't it the reason for visiting our outstanding city?)